Enabling Industrial Water Conservation and Increased Reclaim Rate
Developed the strategy to achieve a challenging industrial water reclaim goal at low cost
Developed a comprehensive flow and chemical balance of the current site water management scheme to reveal gaps and opportunities that allowed optimization. This led to the development of future state modeling of the site water management scheme and ultimately to the selection of the preferred strategy to achieve the goal
FTD developed the strategy via modeling that allowed for the client to reach the 65% reclaim goal with significantly lower capital investment that they expected ($11M cost avoidance estimated by the client)
Executive Summary
Developed a comprehensive flow and chemical balance of the current site water management scheme to reveal gaps and opportunities that allowed optimization. This led to the development of future state modeling of the site water management scheme and ultimately to the selection of the preferred strategy to achieve the goal
FTD developed the strategy via modeling that allowed for the client to reach the 65% reclaim goal with significantly lower capital investment that they expected ($11M cost avoidance estimated by the client)
Executive Summary
Developed a comprehensive flow and chemical balance of the current site water management scheme to reveal gaps and opportunities that allowed optimization. This led to the development of future state modeling of the site water management scheme and ultimately to the selection of the preferred strategy to achieve the goal
FTD developed the strategy via modeling that allowed for the client to reach the 65% reclaim goal with significantly lower capital investment that they expected ($11M cost avoidance estimated by the client)
Executive Summary
12 water, wastewater, and reclaim systems
Site Water Conservation and Reclaim Strategy
Project Name
Project Scale
FTD developed the strategy via modeling that allowed for the client to reach the 65% reclaim goal with significantly lower capital investment that they expected ($11M cost avoidance estimated by the client)
Developed a comprehensive flow and chemical balance of the current site water management scheme to reveal gaps and opportunities that allowed optimization. This led to the development of future state modeling of the site water management scheme and ultimately to the selection of the preferred strategy to achieve the goal
Executive Summary
The client had a strong operations team, but limited awareness of the available approaches and technologies to support achieving the goal. The team was busy keeping the site operating and lacked adequate time to devote to exploring solutions.
Limited freshwater availability and both external pressure and internal requirements drove the client to explore new strategies and technologies to achieve a high rate of water reclamation. The client goal was to achieve a 65% reclaim rate on the site.
FTD collaborated with the operations team and used the Water Management Application to develop a comprehensive flow and chemical balance of the current site water management scheme to reveal gaps and opportunities. This led to the development of future state versions of the site water management scheme and ultimately to the selection of the preferred strategy to achieve the goal.
FTD developed the strategy that allowed for the client to reach the 65% reclaim goal with significantly lower capital investment than they expected ($11M cost avoidance estimated by the client). The strategy simplified the design and construction scope allowing for faster execution.
12 water, wastewater, and reclaim systems
Site Water Conservation and Reclaim Strategy